Thursday, January 30, 2014


Enrile vs. Santiago

Miriam pointing finger to enrille during her privilage speech
Senate became a huge fighting ring for senators particularly Miriam Defensor Santiago and Juan Ponce Enrile. They are allied before during the impeachment trial of Joseph Ehercito Estrada but now they became moral enemies. Enrile was the godfather of Santiago in their wedding I just don't understand why she disrespect her in public. If they have issues to one another I think this should no be discussed in public especially in Senate. 

Senate nowadays serves as a new theater for actors and actresses. Senators fight each other there and cry over the television. I think it is not necessary to do that because they are there to make laws not flaws.


Love story..

Stick man love story

When I was in second year high school, I have a very irritating classmate or should I say seatmate. He is Magic Jordan Asas. I am not comfortable sitting next to him because he always ask question. He's a goody type of guy and I'm not so now you now why I'm pissed of him. Then one time, I realized that he's actually cute. He is a chubby kiddo. He looks more of a elementary student that high school. His nose is pointed, he has fair complexion and he sings well.

When we are in third year high school, I almost forgot about him. We are not seatmates anymore but still classmates. He court me a couple of times but I refuse because that time my attention was with somebody else. I don't like him because I don't like him besides he's not a popular in school.
On our Promenade we danced. He was my first and last dance. On the third song, I lay my head in his chest. I heard his heartbeat. It's kinda awkward but I love the feeling being close to him. I almost forgot everything that night. I must confess that I have felt something special for him because of the dance.

On our senior years in high school. We have this so called "mutual understanding". We are not yet officially on but we are on our way there. I'm happy on what we have. Faith has bringing us together and it seems like there are no hindrance on our relationship but unexpected things happen.. The connection is lost. I cannot say that we broke up because we are not boyfriends and girlfriends but more of a friend.We seat beside each other, so near yet so far. Days go by, months go by, then our graduation came. We graduated without a single goodbye.

College days came. Paper works, projects and tons of assignments are on my mind. School-home-school-home, that became my boring routine everyday. Then we met. He court me again. Our relationship began, October 4, 2011. He add spice to my plain and simple life. He makes me feel happy that no one else can.

Photo taken on December 2011
He was my best friend, my best buddy. We talk. walk, run and even crawl. I love him so much.
We do a lot of things together like doing our assignments, projects and we even eat on the same plate.
We explore places. We've been to places that I don't even know that exist. He's always by my side, holding my hand or hugging me. His embrace calms me. His my ecstasy.
He spoils me a little. He do what I want and follow when I command. He's the best boyfriend for me.

We love cooking same as we love eating. He's fat I'm sexy ( just kidding!). His tall I'm short. We compliment each other. Our differences complete one another.
Photo taken on March 2013

We are turning three years this coming October 4. And we are planning to stop counting being boyfriend  and girlfriend after five years because we are going to start a new relationship as husband and wife. Until the end, we are TOGETHER to get there!

Every Child Is Special

Every Child Is Special

Every Child Is Special is a Hindi drama film released in 2007 (Taare Zameen Par, interpretation: Stars on Earth) released and directed by Aamir Khan

Poster of Every child is Special

Inshaan is a boy with dyslexia. Due to his condition he cannot cope with the academic demand in school.
In the movie, Ishaan is a boy who cannot cope with the academic demand in school. He found his self happy for everything he wants to imagine. Because of his poor understanding in every lesson his teacher decided to talk to his parents. His father decided to send Ishaan in a boarding school but the academic status of Ishaan does not improved. Ishaan became lonely. There was once an substitute art teacher named Nikumbh who voluntarily teach Ishaan to right and read the best way he could to make Ishan participate in school and find out how to appreciate himself even more. Nikumbh conducted an art competiton, Ishaan was declared as the winner. Finaly Ishaan's family, classmates and teachers become proud of what Ishaan did even in a simple way.


Ishaan Nandkishore Awashti -an eight year old boy who always day dreaming and dislikes school and fails every test and exam.
Ran Shankar Nikumbh -an art teacher who voluntarily taught Ishaan to read and right.
Maya Awashti - Ishaans mother who gave up her career to raise her children.
Nandkishore Awashti -haan's strict, hard, dominating father.
Yohaan Awashti -Ishaan's elder brother.


            I really like Indian movie especially when it is directed by Aamir Khan. He’s a good director and actor who’s goal is to inspire the audience by his movie. The movie every child is special is intended for general audience. I enjoy watching it for it uses humorous especially in the part where in they use musical technique.
The main character Ishanan made me laugh by his funny acts and he also made me cry when he bear the pain of enduring boarding school alone and facing the challenges of life. I also like the supporting actors and actresses they showed the real situation of having Ishaan Awasthi, who always being in trouble, misbehaving and out of focus from his instructional classes.
Actually it’s my second time to watch Every Child is Special. While watching it I remember the reporting we had in Facilitating Learning where in I was the one who reported about Learning Exeptionalities, this make me realize the use of the theory of multiple intelligences in education. It plays an important role to help special children. It can be a vessel in informing the teachers and most importantly the parents for them to assist their children.
As a future educator, I know that watching Every Child is Special has a purpose.
It inspires me to build my heart to have patience, sympathy and passion in teaching. The movie also serve as a waking up call for me to get ready in facing the field of teaching where in I have to endure the challenges of being the model of my future learners.

The purpose of the movie is to make the parents realize that they should not demand the kids to excel in their subjects so that they can live out the unfulfilled ambitions of their parents. Each child is special in the sense that they have their own talent, skills and calling in which they may or may not be in line with what their families wish. Parents should not only provide the basic needs of their child but to give them love, patience and time.


             Every Child is Special brings hope that having dyslexia or any disability is not really a desperate situation. There still teaching strategies for them, we just need to look for an appropriate approach for them. Every smile of special children showed that they still believe that life is beautiful so let us make life attractive for them.


This is the poem I made about Peace.

Inner peace

I can feel my soul in vain 
God, I pray to you my pain
Please answer me do not refrain
Give me peace in the middle of the of the rain.
My body is full of lust
I am evil up to my crust
My Lord, I give to you my trust
Give me peace although I am only dust.

My mind is suffering
from the sins I'm committing 
God I am calling
Give me peace everything I'm sleeping.

A doubtful heart is always insight
Trust what I hold on tight
God, your love is bright
Give me peace in the darkest of the night.

I know someday I will fade
and judge by the sins I made
God, forgive me even I deceive
Give me peace through my grave.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My other half.

We are bestfriends. We do the same thing at the same time . We share insights, share thoughts and share foods (of course!). We act like were sisters. Probably not biologically but by soul. We cut class, eat in the comfort rooms, we climb the fence, we rape the camera and we chat 24 hours a day (yeah 24 hours, we do sleep but we also chat in our dreams).

She is Ma. Fe Cecilia Rosario Bona or you may call her Bona. I'm not satisfied with her pet name so I gave her some like Bong, Beckx (yeah we been through Jeje days), Faye, Soledad, MaPepe, Bonabells, Negneg, Cecilio and Cecil for formality. She's twenty years old but act like 14. She has long black hair which I always play. I pull it, braid it, comb it and tie it. She's an authentic Filipina with a morena beauty.

She lives in Antipolo and I reside in Marikina, but we manage to be togther 6 times a week. We talk about everything. About the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and the yellow polka dot bikini. We never get tired of talking it became more of a hobby. We often caught ourselves talking about cockroches, termites and other parasites which has nothing to do with us we just talk about it.

We love eating! We eat 3 to 4 cups of  rice in Mang Inasal. We never get tired of zipping McFloat. We   love to devour siomai. But this is the problem, she eats spaghetti and I don't, she doesn't use sauces in foods but I do, she use ketchup as condiments and I cursed it. But there  is one sauce that we both love.. GRAVY!

One time we are surfing the net for our project, we accidentally saw a website which features TAMPONS. We got curious about the term Tampon and the tagline of the website which is "Am I still a Virgin if I use tampon?." And so we Google it, Wikipedia respond instantly. after reading the article we discovered that tampon is a absorbent material used as a feminine hygienic product. It is inserted in the vagina to absorb the menstruation.

We also enjoy shopping like all the other girls in the world (what do you think of us not normal?). We love shopping, WINDOW SHOPPING! We search for blouse, dress and shoes. We often irritate the saleslady. Especially when she looked like a clown due to her excessive make up. Out of ten dresses we choose we only buy one of it.

We may be not sisters in blood, but I can say we are sisters in soul. We have likes, dislikes, common interest and individual differences but we accept and love each other like true sisters.

Me and Bona



There is a measles out break in some parts of our county. Measles is caused by the measles virus. This is highly contagious and can be spread by coughing and sneezing or by being close or having close contact with the person who is sick. You are at risk to have measles when:
A child is vaccinated against measles
  •  you have HIV or AIDS
  • You have close contact with places or persons infected
  • you are malnourished
  • you are pregnant
  • you lack in Vitamin A
The symptoms are :

  • 4 days fever
  • Cough and conjunctivitis
  • rashes
Department of Health (DOH) seemed like they are not ready for this. The vaccines were only distributed when there are already children dying because of measles. The awareness of the citizens are not sustained. they stick in the old traditions that children with measles should bath in warm water with kamias leaves or bath in the sea. This is practiced most especially in remote areas where there are no doctors are available. I suggest that DOH with the help of LGU's should launch a campaign against it so that there will be no casualties because of measles virus.


My very own pancakes!

I'm so desperate to eat pancakes again. Since Magic is not around, what I'm gonna do is to make my very own pancake. I've got to prepare the following:

A finish product pancake
1 1/2 cups All-Purpose Flour
3 1/2 tsps Baking Powder 
1 tsp Salt
1 tbs Granulated Sugar
1 1/4 cups Milk 
1 Egg
3 tbs Butter, Melted 

Pancake batter
Then the making of the batter:
Get a large bowl. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.Make sure that all dry ingredients are in the bowl already.Mix it using the whisk. Pour milk, egg and butter. Mix well until all the dry ingredients are dissolved. Heat the pan over medium heat and put small amount of oil. Put 1/4 cup of the batter in the pan and cook until the other side is already color brown then flip. Wait for 2 minutes.
Serve pancakes hot. Put some butter on top and glaze with maple syrup. Devour your pancakes! 


Steps in making a Speech

A draft by a 11 year old child for her speech
Speech is almost like an essay but it is uttered and there is no penalty for spelling and punctuation errors. You have to bear in mind some tips on how to make a speech. Here are some steps to help you come up with a speech:
1. Assess how much time tour speech will take. Make sure that it fit in the given grace period. If you don't have a time limit, try to keep it short yet informative.

2. Know your audience. Research about them. Choose a topic that will catch their attention.
3. Use a joke, anecdote or an interesting fact in your introduction to grab the audience's attention and to motivate them to listen.
4. Select important information and stress them in your speech. 
5. Choose only three to six points and arrange them according to relevance and importance.
6. Start with the most important point, then to the least important point.
7. You may add facts, quotations and other supporting material to justify your speech.
8. Make a link with your introduction and conclusion.
9. The conclusion should summarize all of your points and states your purpose.
10. Leave the audience with a hanging question or state your purpose for them to have a lasting impression.

This steps won't success if the writer didn't put some heart in what they do.


My pancakes!

Pancake by Benok 
Last Tuesday, I was craving for a pancake so I ask my boyfriend to buy some. Unfortunately, he didn't found pancakes around. So he bought a pancake mixture in the grocery. I was so happy then. As soon as he arrived, he prepares everything he will be needing in cooking my pancakes. He grabs a huge bowl and a whisk. He opened the box and put the powder in the bowl. 

Later on, he put some water and mixed it with the whisk. When is dissolved in water, he heated the non stick pan with little oil. 

He asked me to do the honor of cooking the first pancake. Sadly, it was a fail. It didn't shape like a pancake nor look like one. I'm so disappointed with what I did. Luckily, my prince charming is always there. He hold my hand and help me put the pancake mixture in the pan. The second pancake is a perfect one, it was circle. Then he cooked the remaining pancakes. 

After 15 minutes, he finished cooking my pancakes. He served it in a plate. Glaze the pancakes with maple syrup and butter on top. It looked very delicious! The appearance is the same as the taste. 

It's really nice to do something you love with someone you love (cooking). And it's flattering to have a boyfriend who spoil you a little. Thank you for the pancakes. I promise to make my own pancakes soon so you won't have to buy the ready made :)


The Wednesday surprise

Book cover of The Wednesday Surprise by Eve Bunting

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 
― Dr. SeussI Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Eve Bunting catches readers through her heart felt story about family, love, and the beautiful gift of literacy.The Wednesday Surprise is a sweet family story.

Every Wednesday Anna’s grandmother comes to the house to watch her while her mother works late at the office, Sam is practicing basketball at the Y and her father is out on the road for work. Anna and her grandmother spend the evenings reading stories together and planning a special surprise for her father’s birthday. Her father’s birthday finally arrives and it is time for Anna and her grandmother to reveal their special secret. As the family gathers around Grandma begins to read the book entitled "Popcorn". Mom and Dad and Sam are all astonished. Anna and her grandmother are happy because their Wednesday surprise is successful. Grandma cannot read because she did not attend school. Her children always told her to go to school and she goes to Anna. Anna taught her grandmother how to read. Anna's age is not a hindrance for her to share knowledge and teach Grandma.

The plot twist and sweet messages conveyed in this book make it a wonderful story worth sharing with children of all ages.

The mother is introducing a book to her daughter

Reading is a pleasure. To be able to read is considered a gift. Thank your Mom and your teacher who taught you how to read.