Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Steps in making a Speech

A draft by a 11 year old child for her speech
Speech is almost like an essay but it is uttered and there is no penalty for spelling and punctuation errors. You have to bear in mind some tips on how to make a speech. Here are some steps to help you come up with a speech:
1. Assess how much time tour speech will take. Make sure that it fit in the given grace period. If you don't have a time limit, try to keep it short yet informative.

2. Know your audience. Research about them. Choose a topic that will catch their attention.
3. Use a joke, anecdote or an interesting fact in your introduction to grab the audience's attention and to motivate them to listen.
4. Select important information and stress them in your speech. 
5. Choose only three to six points and arrange them according to relevance and importance.
6. Start with the most important point, then to the least important point.
7. You may add facts, quotations and other supporting material to justify your speech.
8. Make a link with your introduction and conclusion.
9. The conclusion should summarize all of your points and states your purpose.
10. Leave the audience with a hanging question or state your purpose for them to have a lasting impression.

This steps won't success if the writer didn't put some heart in what they do.

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